Our Community Calendar is here to tell you exactly that – what’s going on in our area!
Have an event you’d like to tell the community about? POST IT HERE to spread the word.
Here’s what is happening at Forever Delmarva!
Please note: Forever Delmarva makes no guarantee to the accuracy of the information contained on this page. Information is true to the best of our ability. Dates, times, and locations are subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, www.foreverdelmarva.com is simply reporting the existence of these events, and takes no responsibility for the creation, set-up, or promotion of said events. For the latest information on any event, please get in touch with the organization.
If you have a public service announcement, please send it to us.
We are constantly updating the list of events, so if you don’t see your event right away, please allow two business days for it to appear.

11th Annual Car and Truck Show
May 31, 2025 | 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Organization: Greensboro Lions Club
Where: Greensboro Elementary School | N. Main St., Greensboro, MD 21639
Open to all makes/models. 50 Top Choice Trophies. 3 special awards. 50/50, door prizes, silent auction, music. Food and drink available. Registration Fee $15. Registration 8-11AM, Judging 11-1 PM, Awards 2 PM. Location: Greensboro Elementary School, N. Main St., Greensboro, MD 21639 RAIN DATE June 1, 2025.
Contact for more information:
Rick Harris
(410) 924-0521
[email protected]