My wife called to tell me she saw a fox on the way to work….I asked her how she knew it was on it’s way to work?!
My wife called to tell me she saw a fox on the way to work….I asked her how she knew it was on it’s way to work?!
Good Friends No Man Can Separate! And it’s good to know that we have plenty of that on Eagle 97.7! Also helps that it’s a fun dance tune!
Outspoken. Entertaining. Engaging.
The Only Third-Party U.S. President….. November 6, 1860……. Abraham Lincoln (Republican) is elected. He was the 16th U.S. president, with Hannibal Hamlin serving as his vice president. His victory was due to his support in the North and West, with no ballots cast for him in 10 of the 15 Southern slave states. He won only two of…